EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967)
Eleven a.m (1926)
oil on canvas 71.3 x 91.6cm
looking into the future, bad things are going to happen
looking into the future, bad things are going to happen
stairs= time
platforms= four stages in her life
1. childhood
2. teenager
3. adult
4. elderly
windows= allow light into the building
light= good life (in the painting, she is sitting on a chair enjoying the light on her skin)
benches= on each each platform is a chair which allows her to sit down and look out the window (similar to the painting)
Starting at the bottom on ground floor, she walks up the stairs until she arrives to the first platform, where she sits down and looks out the window, letting the light touch her skin.
As she continues up the stairs, she reaches the next platform where the platform, seat and window are smaller then the previous one. The smaller window on the platform allows less light in then the previous one symbolising that life is slowly fading away. As she reaches the third platform, there is less light and the seat becomes smaller making it harder to be comfortable, emphasising that bad things are going to happen or are slowly occurring from when she started walking up the stairs. After walking up the next set of the stairs, she arrives to the smallest window in the space, with not much light coming through. Also there is no chair present, making the experience of the journey harder.
After reaching the final platform, she notices that there are still more stairs and continues on her journey but realises that the stairs do not lead anywhere, there is no more light symbolising that life is over and that bad things have occurred.
Through my drawings, I wanted to show that as she walks up the stairs, the spaces get darker and darker.